
The Water Harmonizer has these amazing benefits:

  • Improves the taste, texture & microbiological quality of your water
  • Drinks and food taste better, are milder and more digestible
  • Washed fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer
  • Makes your cleaning products more efficient for laundry, dishwashing, etc.
  • Reduces lime & iron deposits in the pipes, resulting in longer life of water pipes & household appliances
  • Plants grow bigger and healthier with more blooms on flowers
  • All mineral components of the water are preserved
  • Easy to install, no tools needed, just use the included straps to attach to pipe


Water is arguably the single most important nutrient you put in your body. Given your body primarily consists of water, it is essential for every aspect of your body’s functioning and health. Proper hydration with clean water is the very foundation of your health and well-being.

When found in nature, water has a crisp, crystalline structure ideal for your body. However, the tap water most of us use and drink has been damaged by destructive energetic influences as it is cleaned and processed with chemicals and transported to our faucet. When you drink this water you ingest that destructive energy, and it is then absorbed into and contaminates your body and your biofield.  The Home Water Harmonizer will return your water to its natural energetic state and remove any negative energy it has absorbed.  Once the crystalline structure of water is restored, your body is better able to utilize its beneficial, health-promoting properties.  And your water tastes much better!  You will notice a smoother, more pleasant texture and a pure taste that better satiates your thirst.

The Home Water Harmonizer is a stainless-steel tube that you strap to the main water pipe into your home (straps included). As the water in the pipe passes by, it is exposed to the energetic frequencies stored in the Harmonizer and is thus harmonized and vitalized on its way into your home so that all water – for drinking, cooking, showering, cleaning, etc. – is restored to its natural, healthy state.

The small/medium size is for 1 or 2 people living in an apartment or modest home without an abundant extra use of water like a garden or lawn. The medium/large is for 3 to 5 people living in an apartment or home up 3,000 square feet with modest extra use for a garden or lawn. See below for more details on choosing the size appropriately.

Tap Water vs. Harmonized Water

The acclaimed Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto pioneered the microscopic analysis of water crystals using high-speed photography. In his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” he documented how its molecular structure is influenced by external energetic factors such as human emotions, EMF radiation, pollution, etc.  Healthy and unhealthy water differs in the way it forms crystalline structures. The more clear and crisp its crystal structure, the easier it is for a living organism to assimilate it into its cells. The crystalline structure also allows more energetic vibrations to be stored in the water and positively influences its surface tension.

Choosing the Appropriate Size Harmonizer:

The size and number of Home Water Harmonizers to select depends primarily on the volume of water that you use. Here are some guidelines to help you choose:

  • Small/Medium – Ideal for 1 or 2 people living in an apartment or modest-sized home without a large additional use of water like a large lawn (up to 25,000 gallons/year). For 1 or 2 people who have a large lawn or garden it is recommended to choose the Medium/Large.
  • Medium/Large – Ideal for a family up to 5 people living in an apartment or home with a modest lawn or garden (up to 75,000 gallons/year). For more than 5 people, or extra water usage like a large yard or garden, an additional Small/Medium or Medium/Large unit is recommended, depending on the scope of the water usage.
  • Swimming Pool – It is recommended that you purchase an additional Home Water Harmonizer and attach it to the pipe leading from the circulation/filtering system to the pool. This will dramatically improve the pool water quality, making it more skin-friendly, reducing the taste and odor of the chlorine, and even lowering the amount of chemicals needed.


  • Small/Medium – 6.7” long x 1.3” diameter
  • Medium/Large – 11.8” long x 1.3” diameter
  • Composition – Stainless steel with ceramic filling and inlaid silicon crystal balls

Life Energy Products

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Select Size

Medium/Large, Small/Medium